Sunday long run - 10 miles
I forgot to set my alarm clock. Texts from friends woke me up. One was a photo of cat graphiti my friend found somewhere and another was about Hawaii... nice... just in time to get up for my Sunday long-run... in the brrrr-cold.
Anyway, I woke up feeling foggy. Maybe I'm getting sick again. I usually get sick after being around big crowds. I was at the Vancouver Yoga Show yesterday, it was fun and it was busy!
Rolled out of bed, put some gluten-free bread in the toaster and got ready. Radio newscast says it's 1 degree celsius out. I chose my favourite running tights - the black ones with a strip of hot pink from the back zipper, an old race tech t-shirt, a long-sleeve shirt on top, and my toque. Almond butter and jam on my toast, drink some water and putter around some more. A bit of procastinating...I don't feel like running, it's cold, I'm cold... Maybe I'm over-dressed, or maybe I should take this yellow run jacket. Oh yah, maybe I want my heavier run jacket, the green Luluelemon one my husband gave to me the year we spent Christmas on Maui. He had placed a Tiffany's necklace in the pocket. I wondered why he was telling me to do so much with the jacket... Put it on! Zip it up! Does it fit well? Go look in the mirror. Walk around in it. How are the sleeves? Feel the jacket! Do you like it? Put your hands in the pockets... the first time he said that I just unzipped the pockets and didn't really put my hands
in the pockets. "Put your hands IN the pockets" and Ooooooh! There was the necklace in the Tiffany blue satchel... :-)
I kicked myself out the door before I changed my mind and crawled back into bed. I met my neighbour in the elevator and he asked, "Oh you going out to run again?!" (He saw me go for a run yesterday too.) I replied, "Yah, I really don't feel like it but I gotta get a long run in" "Well, sometimes you have the best workouts when you don't want to... and you come back and feel amazing!" We talked some more, he pondered going back to yoga and maybe giving YYoga a try since it's so close by.
Route: Pretty flat route. I ran out to Granville Island and back over to Yaletown and out to English Bay and back to Yaletown.
It's been a long time since I've done a long run. Today's long run felt like it was never-ending. the miles took forever to pass.
Thoughts today while I ran: My nose is dripping. My big toe is starting to feel bruised. Huh, this is new... I hope I don't get a black toe. I just grew last ski-season't black toenail out! Why is this taking soooo loooong. My nose is dripping. Ugh... gotta change this music, why do I have such slow music right now? I'm getting passed... Oh when did I start walking? Run! Go! Hi little doggy, hey! these are my ankles, not yours! My nose is dripping. My tissue is falling apart. I wonder how much tissue dust I breath... no one's around, do a snot rocket quick! Ok, that was embarassing, thank goodness no one is around...
Finished with a soy latte treat at JJ Bean and picked up some groceries at Choices.
Pre-run meal: 2 pieces Udi gluten-free toast, almond butter & black current jam, water
During run: 6 oz water - didn't finish
Post-run meal: water, 12 oz soy latte, Glutenfreeda Vegetarian & Dairy Free Burrito, 2 glasses of orange juice and San Pellegrino