Thursday, July 29, 2010

Boy on brussel sprouts

J: 'healthy' is overrated
AF: 'unhealthy' is the definition of bad for you.
J: it depends
AF: how so?
J: brussels sprouts are bad but they're not unhealthy
AF: not "bad" but "bad for you"
J: hahaha
J: totally didn't read it that way
AF: i realize that now. funny
AF: i can't believe we're friends and you don't like brussels sprouts
AF: i will have to reevaluate my friend screening process :P
AF: they are the best tiny cabbages served at thanksgiving dinners nation-wide
J: they smell like feet
J: and taste about the same
J: i feel like throwing up just thinking about brussels sprouts
AF: i'll remember that for the future
J: why is that worthy of remembering for you?
AF: in case we are in a life threatening situation and the only solution involves vomit
AF: it's good to know how to get a ready supply
AF: "oh no! the emergancy door release is behind that new glass that can only be broken by the acids in human vomit!"
"quick, J! Think about brussel sprouts!"
"we're saved!"
J: i don't know anyone quite like you
AF: i'm going to take that as a compliment


ME: how did the conversation start with healthy?
AF: we were talking about the voodoo involved in calculating BMI and she asserted that gyms suck and health is overrated
AF: to which i uncharacteristically took the side of health advocate
AF: also i was pretty proud of my line "unhealthy is the definition of bad for you"
AF: even though it caused confusion
AF: i felt clever in my mind
ME: where do you come up with that stuff?
AF: the many hundreds of hours i've spent alone in a room have helped me build an active imagination and warped perspective
ME: the hundreds of hours I've spent alone running have helped me build an active imagination but not a warped perspective

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