Thursday, July 29, 2010

Boy on brussel sprouts

J: 'healthy' is overrated
AF: 'unhealthy' is the definition of bad for you.
J: it depends
AF: how so?
J: brussels sprouts are bad but they're not unhealthy
AF: not "bad" but "bad for you"
J: hahaha
J: totally didn't read it that way
AF: i realize that now. funny
AF: i can't believe we're friends and you don't like brussels sprouts
AF: i will have to reevaluate my friend screening process :P
AF: they are the best tiny cabbages served at thanksgiving dinners nation-wide
J: they smell like feet
J: and taste about the same
J: i feel like throwing up just thinking about brussels sprouts
AF: i'll remember that for the future
J: why is that worthy of remembering for you?
AF: in case we are in a life threatening situation and the only solution involves vomit
AF: it's good to know how to get a ready supply
AF: "oh no! the emergancy door release is behind that new glass that can only be broken by the acids in human vomit!"
"quick, J! Think about brussel sprouts!"
"we're saved!"
J: i don't know anyone quite like you
AF: i'm going to take that as a compliment


ME: how did the conversation start with healthy?
AF: we were talking about the voodoo involved in calculating BMI and she asserted that gyms suck and health is overrated
AF: to which i uncharacteristically took the side of health advocate
AF: also i was pretty proud of my line "unhealthy is the definition of bad for you"
AF: even though it caused confusion
AF: i felt clever in my mind
ME: where do you come up with that stuff?
AF: the many hundreds of hours i've spent alone in a room have helped me build an active imagination and warped perspective
ME: the hundreds of hours I've spent alone running have helped me build an active imagination but not a warped perspective

Monday, July 26, 2010

Just another manic Monday... ?

Had a bit of strange encounter today. Got my adrenaline rushing. My blood boiled a bit.

I was standing in front of a shop at the corner of Georgia and Granville Streets waiting for AF when a guy started to harass me. I told him to fuck off to show that I wasn't scared of him but I think that gave him fuel for his hate of me and my slanty eyes.

I stood my ground and didn't move as he put his face really close to mine and threatened death at me by gesturing slitting the throat and told me to go back to Hong Kong and China.

He went on to thank me and my people for building the railway and gestured slitting the throat again and hammering nails. He walked around a bit and continued to gesture the hammering nails and slitting throat.

I stood there silent and just faced him. I didn't want to show fear or weakness.

He asked if I knew how I and my people treated dogs - by frying them in peanut oil.

He walked back up close to me again.

He gestured again slitting of the throat and strangling and said something about fishing lines and something about thin eyes.

I couldn't hear him anymore because my anger and adrenaline was taking over and all I could hear was my heart pounding.

At that moment I really wished that I was physically strong. I wanted to pick him up and slam him on the ground. I wanted to hurt him. I wanted to make him sorry. I wanted him to know and feel the hurt. But he didn't even deserve that. He didn't deserve any of my energy. He wasn't worth it. He's not worth it. It's not worth perpetuating such a negative energy.

His life already sucks. He chooses to carry the burden of hate and anger.

Listen to the lyrics of Matisyahu in the above video.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Have a wonderful weekend!

I'll leave you with this great photo. Sometimes people race their horses along side the cyclists on the Tour de France. I think I saw it at Stage 8 last week and then again with 2 horsies at Stage 11! In Montana, they've got this guy!

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Just wanted to say yaaay! Summer is here! I've been really busy with work and it's draining! I have a project that I'm pushing to have complete by summer's end. When days are rough I just look at this picture (notice that it's my background too? haha!). It's back on Maui with our best friends. Good friends and good times. How lucky am I to have all that? :-) Oh! Or this picture!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Seattle Rock N Roll Race Report: NOT YET!

I haven't got around to writing my race report from the sidelines yet so read my training buddy's race report at Confessions of  Lazy Athlete.

Note to MJ: Thank you so much for your patience and humour and for driving us around to wherever we wished! You are GREAT!!!